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May Day Writings From Chuk’shon Anarchists

April 23, 2010

This is a piece from Chuk’shon anarchists to be distributed on May Day 2010. While this is not directly from Survival Solidarity we want to help get the word out on what folks are doing. If you feel compelled enough please help print out these statements and distribute them.   

May Day, Borders and Anarchists

In 1886, Anarchists largely contributed to organizing laborers, immigrants and artisans around the world to strike for the 8-hour work day. The 8-hour work day was won, but key organizers were singled out—some hanged, some released from prison years later.

Here on occupied O’odham land the O’odham people continue to be brutalized and marginalized by government policies which expand capital and white supremacy.

We see borders as illegitimate, a militarized weapon inflicted on the people of the world by globalization and neo-liberalism, i.e. capitalism. The owning class and government authorities have continuously used violence in order to control people with legislation, the border wall and a militarized zone complete with fascist-style

checkpoints and high-tech tools of warfare.

Borders are arbitrary lines defining markets, controlling goods and capital as well as the workforce. It is part of the system that destroys cultures (starting with the O’odham, who have lived here for thousands of years), separates families and murders individuals.

People are forced off of their lands, then forced to assimilate to a capitalist way of life, working in maquiladoras or making the treacherous trip north to find better paying, yet still low-wage jobs in the U.S..

As anarchists we see all forms of hierarchy as illegitimate. This is especially true regarding the governments of nation-states and the owning class. We view these governments and their borders as upholding a system of white supremacy.

Throughout history the working class has fought many battles against its tyrants. More recently we have accepted what they offer. We are divided and the unions have lost much of their power. Politicians pay lip service, speaking of justice and of the worker being the backbone of the country. “Hang in there” they tell us …but it’s more of the same year after year.

Community organizers cannot always be expected to take the lead for us. Sometimes we must push for what we want. The solutions can only come from the people. We cannot wait for the ruling class to “come to their senses” and start acting fairly. We have patiently and peacefully marched for years now and things only continue to get worse for working people, and especially immigrants. When do we stop asking for our liberties and begin taking our lives back?




May Day PDF for distributing.

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